Pause for Peace 2015


“Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd joins with other Congregations in this initiative to create awareness of the climate change conference taking place in Paris in December 2015 and to take action on a daily basis between now and December.  Integrate personal and community action with prayer on behalf of the planet, sustainability and people.

There are many suggestions in the ‘Pause for Peace’ with the invitation to become an artisan of the revolution of tenderness … in the face of global inequality.  The threats are interrelated, our awareness and actions are also interrelated and bring change.” 

Download ‘Pause for Peace in three languages EnglishFrenchSpanish

Excerpt:  “During the 2013 World Youth Day celebrations in Brazil, Pope Francis called the world to greater solidarity:

‘I would like to make an appeal to those in possession of greater resources, to public authorities and to all people of good will who are working for social justice: never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity… The culture of selfishness and individualism that often prevails in our society is not what builds up and leads to a more habitable world: it is the culture of solidarity that does so, seeing others not as rivals or statistics, but brothers and sisters.’ (Quoted by Cardinal Turkson, Annual Lenten Lecture 2015,delivered at Trocaire in Ireland, March 5, 2015. Unofficial translation)

When world leaders gathered for the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in Lima, Peru, in December 2014, there was consensus that climate change is a danger to the planet and to the community of all life. As people of faith who are committed to solidarity and the common good, we are called to respond both individually and communally to the question:

What can we do? What can I do?

These questions, which are deeply engraved in our hearts, are about how we, as communities and individuals, can contribute to mitigate and/or adapt to climate change.

You can also link with the Good Shepherd Position Paper on Ecology  CLICK HERE

May 20th, 2015 Missing migrant boat found as countries offer shelter

Read a BBC report of May 20th on the situation.   Click here

Signatures do matter.

We urge the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand:

  • To rescue the boat refugees on humanitarian grounds and provide them with shelter, medical care, food and water
  • To respect life, show compassion and offer protection for the vulnerable against human traffickers and smugglers
  • To collaborate with other ASEAN member countries to accord internally displaced persons, such as the Rohingyas, the right to life, dignity and livelihood

Do the right thing, save them now!

Have you joined our campaign at If not Sign now!  There are more than 367 ‘Good Shepherd’ supporter in the world?

Rescue is one step but how to we ensure the right to life, dignity and livelihood for every person.  The new sustainable development agenda currently being negotiated at the United Nations says ‘Leave no one behind’! 



Au Secrétaire Général de l’ASEAN, Son Excellence Le Luong Minh, Président en exercice de l’ASEAN au titre de la présidence tournante du Gouvernment de la Malaisie : 

Appel à une action en faveur des refugiés bloqués sur les bateaux
Nous, Soeurs du Bon Pasteur et partenaires dans la mission de Malaisie, d’Indonésie et de Thaïlande du Réseau Asie-Pacifique Justice et Paix, faisons part de notre extrême inquiétude concernant la situation dramatique des milliers de Rohingyas qui tentent d’accoster en Malaisie, en Indonésie et en Thaïlande.

En Birmanie, ils sont victimes d’une oppression sauvage, de discrimination, et ils souffrent de pauvreté. Ils ont été privés de leur citoyenneté et soumis au travail forcé ainsi qu’à des déplacements forcés en Birmanie et à la frontière bangladaise. De nombreuses personnes, parmi lesquelles des femmes et des enfants sont devenus la proie de trafiquants d’êtres humains. Des cas de viols à bord sur des femmes ont été rapportés.

Nous exhortons les gouvernements de Malaisie, Indonésie et Thaïlande:

  • A secourir pour des motifs humanitaires les réfugiés embarqués et à leur procurer abri, assistance médicale, nourriture et eau.
  • A respecter la vie, à leur témoigner de la compassion et à offrir protection aux plus vulnérables contre les trafiquants d’êtres humains et les trafiquants de drogue.
  • A collaborer avec d’autres pays membres de l’ASEAN pour accorder aux personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays, tels les Rohingyas, le droit à la vie et à la dignité en leur procurant des moyens d’existence.

Ci-dessous le lien vers la pétition:


Al Secretario General de la ASEAN, H.E. Le Luong Minh, Presidente de la ASEAN Gobierno de Malasia:

Un llamamiento a la acción para salvar a refugiados del barco
Las Hermanas del Buen Pastor y partners en la misión de Malasia, Indonesia y Tailandia desde la red de Justicia y Paz de Asia Pacífico, estamos profundamente preocupados por la difícil situación de los miles de Rohingyas tratando de alcanzar las costas de Malasia, Indonesia y Tailandia. 

En Myanmar se enfrentan a la pobreza, la discriminación y a la opresión extremas. Han sido privados de la ciudadanía y sometidos a trabajos forzados y desplazamiento forzoso en Myanmar y en la frontera de Bangladesh. Muchas mujeres y niños incluidos han sido presa de los traficantes. Las mujeres han reportado haber sido violadas en los barcos.

Instamos a los gobiernos de Malasia, Indonesia and Tailandia:

  • Rescatar a los refugiados del barco por motivos humanitarios y darles refugio, atención médica, alimentos y agua
  • A respetar la vida, mostrar compasión y ofrecer protección a los vulnerables contra los traficantes y contrabandistas
  • A colaborar con otros países miembros de la ASEAN para acordar a los desplazados internos, como los Rohingyas, el derecho a la vida, a la dignidad y al sustento

Hagan lo correcto, sálvenlos ahora!

Aquí encuentras el enlace para firmar la petición:

Appeal for Action to save the Rohingya boat refugees

To the Secretary-General of ASEAN, H.E.Le Luong Minh,          Chair of ASEAN Govt of Malaysia: 

Appeal for action to save boat refugees
We, Good Shepherd Sisters and mission partners of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand from the Asia Pacific Justice Peace Network, are deeply concerned over the plight of the thousands of Rohingyas trying to reach the shores of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

In Myanmar they face extreme oppression, discrimination and poverty. They have been deprived of citizenship and subjected to forced labour and forcible displacement in Myanmar and on the Bangladeshi border. Many including women and children have fallen prey to traffickers. Women have been reported raped on boats.
We urge the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand:

  • To rescue the boat refugees on humanitarian grounds and provide them with shelter, medical care, food and water
  • To respect life, show compassion and offer protection for the vulnerable against human traffickers and smugglers
  • To collaborate with other ASEAN member countries to accord internally displaced persons, such as the Rohingyas, the right to life, dignity and livelihood

Do the right thing, save them now!       

Click here and follow the links to sign the petition.


Update on Human Right to Water and Sanitation

621 Groups HRTWS Map (2) 621 Organizations from 60 Countries supported this call including Good Shepherd from 10 specific Countries. Angola, Portugal, France, Ireland, Malta, Myanmar, Malaysia/Singapore, United Kingdom, South Africa and the Philippines.  Sisters from Latin America supported regionally and the International office spoke for ‘all’ of us.  Well done!

You can access the letter and full list of signatories in 4 languages English, Spanish, Portuguese and French HERE

Is there more that can be done? Yes.  Some suggestions:

Note other groups in your country who have signed.  Contact them and continue to advocate for the human right for water and sanitation at your national level.

Keep updated on the issue – see the Facebook page Post-2015 Human Right to Water and Sanitation  If you are on Twitter @HRtoH2O use #DeclareHRTWS  and tweet to your country representatives who are engaged in the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda.  Over the next number of weeks the intergovernmental negotiations will be ongoing.  May 18 – 22; June 22-25; July 20 – 24 and July 27 – 31.   Do you like the Logo?   Human Right to Water and Sanitation.

Right to water