Opening of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

His Excellence Mr Joseph Deiss is the newly elected President of the 65th Session of the General Assembly and  is from Switzerland.  In his acceptance speech in June Mr Deiss said “… the message that I would like to underscore is that the values that the United Nations embraced at its founding are as relevant as ever in overcoming the challenges facing humankind today. I therefore invite members to turn once again to the founding of our great Organization to breathe new life into the purposes and principles set out in Article 1 of the Charter: peace and security, friendship among nations and international cooperation. Peace, friendship and cooperation must remain the keywords of our work and of our action— words which our determination will fill with meaning.”  For more  click on the link  The full text of his opening statement at the commencement of the General Assembly on September 14, 2010 can be read here

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