Acompañando el camino del Crucificado a través de los ODS/Accompanying the path of the Crucified through the SDGs

S_2018_SDG_Poster_without_UN_emblemAcompañando el camino del Crucificado a través de los ODS

8th station


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Accompanying the path of the Crucified through the SDGs

12th Station

This is the translated text of the Spanish and pictures are not included.  Thank you Rohan Dominic of the Claretians!

Good Resources to follow up on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

The UN Women and UNEG (United Nations Evaluation Group) have developed a guideline in 5 languages to evaluate the SDGs with a gender lens. Link to English, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish

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Another excellent resource linking the SDG’s with various human rights mechanism has been published by the Danish Institute For Human Rights.  It too, is is multiple languages and has an interactive dimension – you can choose a goal or target and see the linkages to human rights.


Human Rights Guilde

Link Here The Human Rights Guide to the Sustainable Development Goals

September 25th – 2 years since the adoption of the SDG’s … Where are we now?

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Dear friends,

It’s September 2017, two years have passed since the SDGs were adopted but where are we at now? Are governments delivering on what they promised?

Increasing conflict and inequality, unprecedented levels of migration and displacement and the devastating effects of climate change are some of the issues that define our age. Extremism and disenfranchisement fuel reactive political movements with chaotic and dangerous outcomes.

These are issues that go beyond country borders and require concerted efforts around the world. To tackle these issues governments agreed to the Sustainable Development Goals on 25 September 2015 and now on the second anniversary we ask you to join us to #Act4SDGs!

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Queridos amigos,

En sep2embre de 2017 se cumplen dos años de la adopción de los ODS, pero ¿cuánto hemos avanzado? ¿Están cumpliendo los gobiernos con sus compromisos?

Crecientes conflictos y desigualdad, niveles de migración y desplazamiento sin precedente, y los devastadores efectos del cambio climá2co son algunos de los problemas que definen a nuestra época. El extremismo y la pérdida de derechos mo2van movimientos polí2cos reac2vos con resultados caó2cos y peligrosos.

Existen problemas que van más allá de las fronteras y requieren esfuerzos concertados alrededor del mundo. Para abordar estos problemas, los gobiernos acordaron los Obje2vos de Desarrollo Sostenible el 25 de sep2embre de 2015 y ahora, en su segundo aniversario te pedimos que te unas a #ActuaxODS

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Chers amis,

C’est septembre 2017, deux ans se sont écoulés depuis que les ODD ont été adoptés, mais où en sommes-nous maintenant ? Les gouvernements honorent-ils leurs promesses comme ils se sont engagés à le faire?

La recrudescence des conflits et des situaHons d’inégalités, des niveaux sans précédent de migraHon et de déplacement de populaHons ainsi que les effets dévastateurs du changement climaHque sont quelques-uns des problèmes qui caractérisent notre époque. L’extrémisme et la marginalisaHon alimentent des mouvements poliHques réacHonnaires avec des résultats chaoHques et dangereux.

Ce sont des problèmes qui s’étendent au-delà des fronHères naHonales et exigent des efforts concertés dans le monde enHer. Pour aborder ces problèmes, en date du 25 septembre 2015, les gouvernements se sont mis d’accord sur les ObjecHfs de Développement Durable et maintenant, au deuxième anniversaire, nous vous demandons de nous rejoindre au #AgirODD

  • Consulter le nouveau guide Toolkit


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    Report 2017                                                                                                                              Colorful graphics of progress of the 17 SDG’s in 6 languages – Choose your language.   Gráficos coloridos de progreso de los 17 SDG en 6 idiomas – Elige tu idioma. Graphiques colorés de la progression des 17 SDG en 6 langues – Choisissez votre langue.

    ACTION: 10 days left – If you use social media Facebook /Twitter/ Tumbler join the Thurderclap English

    ACCIÓN: Faltan 10 días – Si usas las redes sociales Facebook / Twitter / Tumblr se unen al Thunderclap  Spanish

    ACTION: 10 jours restants – Si vous utilisez les médias sociaux Facebook / Twitter / Tumblr rejoignez le Thunderclap French

    Want to ask a question why not use the comment box ?                                                 ¿Quieres hacer una pregunta? ¿Por qué no usar el cuadro de comentarios?          Vous voulez poser une question pourquoi ne pas utiliser la boîte de commentaires?

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    Read:   Report HLPF 2017 GSIJP Office – Final

    Leer:    Español de Report HLPF 2017 GSIJP Office Final pdf

    We did not translate into French /        Nous ne sommes pas traduits en français / No tradujimos al francés


HLPF 2017 (High Level Political Forum) has concluded

Yesterday, July 19th the HLPF ended with the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration but not without some challenges.  A vote was requested on paragraphs 4 and 21. Both paragraphs were retained the controversial issues being ‘self determination of people living under foreign occupation and language on multilateral trading systems.  A full account of the session can be READ HERE

The review of SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14 is contained in paragraphs 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the Ministerial Declaration  The various paragraphs state the reality, and indicate commitment to close the gaps.   Paragraphs 1 – 13 are a reiteration of promises already made through use of the following verbs  – reaffirm (2), recognize (4), commit (3), foster (1), stress (1), note (1) reiterate (1)  (the number after the verb indicates the number of times the verb is used.)

Paragraphs 20 recognizes that despite some positive development more is needed – coherent policies and an enabling environment for sustainable development at all levels by all actors. The following listing is provided:  difficult macroeconomic conditions, low commodity prices, subdued trade growth and volatile capital flows, but  also natural disasters, climate change, environmental degradation, humanitarian crisis and conflicts.  Having said that yet there is conflict over paragraph 21.

The retention of the whole document is a step forward and much advocacy took place to ensure that there was a ministerial declaration.


I signed on this Statement by the Women’s Major Group calling for a strong declaration with full commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls with the Means of Implementation SEE

During the negotiations on the Ministerial Declaration June 15 and 16  I delivered the following statement on behalf of the Women’s Major Group  Statement

During the negotiations I had the following Advocacy Points   Reviewing the ministerial declaration you will see that they were not included.  The most disconcerting one is the continued mention of ‘targeted measures’ in paragraph 14 in the context of a declaration to eradicate poverty, accelerate the pace of implementation, and decisive action is imperative and in response the best we can do is ‘targeted’ measures!  While children and youth are recognized within the Major Group system and there are stakeholders on aging and people with disabilities and a strong emphasis on a life cycle approach I continue to hold that girls are most vulnerable to being left behind and being the ones furthest behind.


‘Girls Speak Out’ at the United Nations 2016

Webcast of the ‘Girls Speak Out’   Enjoy the two hour programme.

Girls Speak Out 0001.jpggirls-speak-out-0002



An exciting moment to have international visitors attending the ‘Girls Speak Out’ Tanya Corrie, Development Lead - Financial Security, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand

Sr Monique Tarabeh, Soeurs du Bon Pasteur, Communications Rome, Province of Lebanon/Syria.

Barbara O’Carroll, GSIJP Team, Mission Partner, New York (bottom picture) Cecilie Kern (middle picture) and Winifred Doherty (green jacket)

I was proud to be featuring girls from Angola, Indonesia and Malaysia on social media and the prayer was prepared by  Sister Taskila Nicholas, Province of Central East India/Nepal.  Thank you Taskila.  Truly,  we are a network empowering girls changing the world!



Photos for today February 3, 2016

Photographs with NGO friends from Afria and Asia before the NGO morning briefing prior to the opening of the Commission for Social Development.  Read Good Shepherd Statement to the Commission published in the UN Journal today Statement No 58

See the video on Commission for Social Development   Good practice is evidence based and data driven!  People must remain the center of global, national and local efforts

#MaishaCSoCD  Maisha – a new life outside the mines is one such good practice.

Maisha – a new life outside the mines

Tomorrow Thursday, from  1.15 – 2.30 we will have our side-event during the Commission for Social Development entitled ‘Maisha – a new life outside the mines’ featuring the documentary and a panel discussion.  If you are in the UN we look forward to seeing you in conference Room 6.

Maisha Flier

Read the Maisha CSocD Side Event Press Release and Maisha CSocD Side Event Concept Note  and Maisha CSocD Side Event Bio Sheet for further information.  See the full documentary Maisha