Laudato Si’ Week 2022 May 22 – 29

Laudato Si’ Week 2022 will be celebrated May 22 – 29 this year. This is the 7th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si on care of creation. The theme for the week is “Listening and Journeying Together.” The eight-day global event will be guided by the following quote from Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’: “Bringing the human family together to protect our common home” (LS 13).

A website with resources has been prepared and is in 5 languages English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese




The website has many resources that you may wish to use. There is an events pages where you can register your event. This too is in all the languages French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

Check the Celebration Guide, available in French (not yet posted), Spanish, Italian and Portuguese