Migration Issues …

Campaign for Peoples’s Goals for Sustainable Development writes  “Development Justice is the transformative development framework that aims to address the inequities – between countries, between the rich and poor within countries, and between men and women – that maintain the current nature of migration and the exploitation of migrants.
Through the following foundational shifts composing development justice, the condition for a development that shall address forced migration can be created:
1. Redistributive Justice will ensure that in countries of origin, resources and opportunities can be accessed by the people, and they will not be forced to seek them overseas
2. Economic Justice will ensure decent living including decent living for immigrants and their families in countries of destination
3. Social Justice eliminates all forms of discrimination and marginalization including the economic, political and social exclusion of migrants and immigrants in the host countries
4. Environmental Justice presses countries and elites historically responsible for climate degradation to own up to their greater responsibility to stop environmentally damaging production and consumption
5. Accountability to the People that will ensure that migrants are part of free, prior, and informed decision making in all stages of development processes.
Migrants should be present in the development discussions. We were left behind when development goals were set. We were still left behind when actions to achieve the set goals were implemented.
We shall make sure that in the post-2015 development agenda, migrants as stakeholders are involved and migration as a problem of maldevelopment is addressed.”  Click here for the full statement    Would love to know your views on this statement. Leave a comment in the comment box.

One comment on “Migration Issues …

  1. clarenolan says:

    This analysis on migration by the IMA is totally in accord with the GS Position Paper on migration.
    It adds a keen up-to-date assessment of the global system and its impacts on migration and migrants.
    Every GS sister and partner should read this, as they also review the GS Position Paper on migration.
    It can be a base for discussion and evaluation of programs and advocacy work on the local level.
    this is a sign of the times and we are called to respond.
    Thanks Winifred for this good information.

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