2 million people have voted in the World We Want 2015

smallimg_d00ce560 (1)Yes, 2,103,976 to be exact have cast their votes for the world we want 2015.  Have you voted?  It is not too late to do so.  Go to this page.  You are presented with 16 options and you can choose 6.  Lastly you can make your own selection as to what you think is most important.  I suggest you think about our advocacy points – Girls Rights or Social Protection Floors.  The survey is available in 16 languages.  The United Nations whats to know what matters most to you. Vote now!

If you want to see a break down of the 2 million voices CLICK HERE  The numbers are analyzed by sex, age, and education.  You can further see what numbers voted in any particular country.  There are three drop down boxes in which you can insert country, sex, education, age and human development index.   I will take Ireland as a example, all genders, all education levels between 16 and 30 years.  We see that 677 votes were cast.  Ist priority a good education, 2nd better health care and 3rd an honest and responsive government.  Changing to only the country to Ethiopia – we find that 11,575 votes were cast.  Priorities – a good education, better job opportunities, and better health care.  An honest and responsive government was 4th in Ethiopia.  Why don’t you explore your own country and see who voted and what the priorities are.

Just below there is a ‘SEGMENTS MAP’.  This is colorful but you can see quickly that education is the first priority throughout the world. Check out what is second and note where the variation is?  See where climate change features.

Now read Pope Francis’ statement on ‘Stabilizing the Climate and Giving Energy Access to All with an Inclusive Economy’  Click here   How does this statement contrast with the 16 areas listed in the my world survey.

“…today we have changed our natural environment to such an extent that scientists are redefining the current period as the Age of the Anthropocene, that is to say an age when human action, through the use of fossil fuels, is having a decisive impact on the planet. If current trends continue, this century will witness unprecedented climate changes and ecosystem destruction that will severely impact us all.

Human action which is not respectful of nature becomes a boomerang for human beings that creates inequality and extends what Pope Francis has termed “the globalization of indifference” and the “economy of exclusion” (Evangelii Gaudium), which themselves endanger solidarity with present and future generations.”

These are the big questions that are being address within the United Nations as the Open Working Group (UN Member States) prepare its reports for the General Assembly in September.

“Humanity needs urgently to redirect our relationship with nature by adopting the Sustainable Development Goals so as to promote a sustainable pattern of economic development and social inclusion. A human ecology that is healthy in terms of ethical virtues contributes to the achievement of sustainable nature and a balanced environment. Today we need a relationship of mutual benefit: true values should permeate the economy and respect for Creation should promote human dignity and wellbeing.” 

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