Statement to Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Finance – ECLAC

———- Mensaje reenviado ———-
De: Marta López <>
Fecha: 31 de diciembre de 2013, 15:43
Asunto: Re: Invitación Regional Outreach Latin American and Caribbean Countries on the Work of the Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Finance – CEPAL

Estimada Señora:

Adjunto carta  invitación a la reunión Regional Outreach Latin American and Caribbean Countries on the Work of the Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Finance, que se llevará a cabo el día 15 de enero de 2014, en la sede de CEPAL en Santiago. 
Sin otro particular, saluda atentamente,  

Marta IrisMarta Iris represented Good Shepherd at ECLAC the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.  She delivered a statement on behalf of the Congregation contributing to the ‘Work of the Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Finance’ for the region.  The Statement is attached here in Spanish and English GS Presentation ECLAC January 2014  It urges implementation of National Floors of Social Protection and points to where finance could be available if there was strong political will to reallocate resources.