Day 4 of the 11 Days of Action – International Day of the Girl

If you are following the 11 days of action leading up to the International Day of the Girls on October 11 Click here.  Today,  focuses on messages that girls receive about girls and asks you to think about this.  Who tells you who your are?   What messages are you receiving?  The sponsoring organization for today have come up with creative approaches to counter images and inequality.  You are invited to help create a list of gender equal media choices.

389My attention today was drawn to 80 teenage girls who are victims of abuse in Kolwezi, located in the south of the mineral-rich Democratic Republic of Congo. The Good Shepherd Sisters of Kolwezi are putting in place child protection services to address the exploitative circumstances surrounding these girls’ lives.   With community leaders, Good Shepherd Sisters  will begin an initiative to lobby the mining industry for extended basic rights to the workers. The mission is bold, to extend “an equitable distribution of resources and increase the accountability of the mining companies” to the community.

What do you think the dominant image of girls in this region?  Read more